第二には、この教科書がバランスのとれた歴史叙述という面での配慮を全く欠いていることがあげられます。たとえば、日露戦争に関する記述では、日本の勝利の結果、「世界中の抑圧された民族に、独立への限りない希望を与えた」ことが強調され、太平洋戦争の緒戦の勝利に関しても、「これは、数百年にわたる白人の植民地支配にあえいでいた、現地の人々の協力があってこその勝利だった。この日本の緒戦の勝利は、東南アジアやインドの人々、さらにはアフリカの人々にまで独立への夢と勇気を育んだのである」など、日本軍の戦争行為がアジア・アフリカの諸民族の独立に大きく貢献したことをくり返し指摘しています。また、日本の傀儡国家であった「満州国」についても、「満州国は、中国大陸において初めての近代的法治国家を目指した。……満州国は急速な経済成長を遂げた。人々の生活は向上し、中国人などの著しい人口の流入があった」というように、きわめて肯定的な評価が与えられています。しかし、その一方で、日本自身が朝鮮・台湾という植民地を保有していたことや、植民地・占領地での過酷な統治の実態については何らふれるところがありません。 戦争犯罪やジェノサイドに関する叙述も著しくバランスを欠いたものとなっています。
戦争犯罪の場合、この教科書で具体的にとりあげられているのは、アメリカ軍による日本の都市に対する無差別爆撃や、満州におけるソ連軍の蛮行など、連合国側の戦争犯罪ばかりで、日本軍の戦争犯罪については、極東国際軍事裁判のところで、南京事件がとりあげられているだけです。それも「この事件の疑問点は多く、今も論争が続いている。戦争中だから、何がしかの殺害があったとしても、ホロコーストのような種類のものではない」というように、南京大虐殺否定論を一方的に展開しています。 また、他国が犯したジェノサイドについては、ナチス・ドイツのユダヤ人虐殺を詳述しているだけでなく、スターリンの粛正、毛沢東の文化大革命、ポル・ポトの大虐殺などについてきわめて具体的に説明しています。しかし、その一方で、アジア・太平洋の各地で日本が行った数々の蛮行や、その当時は自国民であった朝鮮人に対する差別や迫害については、一言もふれられていません。
重要なことは、このようなバランスを欠いた歴史叙述が、生徒が歴史を正確に理解するうえでの大きな妨げとなっている事実です。たとえば、この教科書は、大日本帝国憲法の近代的・立憲的性格を強調し、憲法の発布によって「国民は各種の権利を保障され、選挙で衆議院議員を選ぶことになった」としていますが、選挙自体が制限選挙であったことは全く説明していません。 さらに、歴史叙述が特定の事柄に著しく偏っているため、関東大震災や治安維持法のように重要な歴史的事実にまったくふれていません。また、経済史、文化史、社会史、民衆生活史などの叙述がきわめて簡単になっていることも、この教科書の大きな問題点の一つです。
December 2000 Appeal by Japanese Historians and History
We Cannot Entrust History Education
to a Textbook That Distorts History
At the present moment, inside and outside Japan, voices are being
raised to express misgivings about the content of a history textbook
developed by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform (Atarashii
Rekishi Kyokasho o Tsukurukai, hereafter the Society). Many have pointed
out that the text "begins and ends with the logic of the powerful"
and that it "distorts the history of the past." If it passes
the Japanese government's textbook screening, the text will be one
of the social studies history textbooks eligible for adoption by local
school systems for use in junior high schools in the 2002 school year.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, the Society initiated a campaign to criticize
current history textbooks as "masochistic." The Society
announced that its members would develop "history textbooks of
conscience that will restore the true history of the nation."
In April 2000, a draft textbook it developed was submitted to the
Ministry of Education for certification. Since then, even though the
draft textbook is still in the certification process,* the authors
and the publisher have organized a campaign that includes showing
a copy of the draft textbook on TV programs, visiting local schools
to press for early decisions to adopt the text, and asking municipal
legislative bodies to pass resolutions urging the adoption of its
text or the exclusion of other texts.
To be sure, we believe that all of us have the right to publish textbooks
if we follow the stated procedure. However, there are some accepted
minimal standards for textbooks in any subject, including, of course,
history. One of them is that there must be no false representations
or fabrications in textbooks.
In the Japan of the years from about 1890 until the defeat in the
Asia-Pacific War in 1945, it was impossible freely to discuss, record,
or make public matters-even factual matters-involving secrets of the
state, the military, and the imperial family. The aim of history education
was to produce "imperial subjects" who would be utterly
loyal to the emperor, and textbooks molded schoolchildren into "imperial
subjects." Facts not consistent with these aims were excluded,
and sheer fictions constituted the basis of Japan's history education.
In this way, the self-righteous and chauvinistic consciousness was
developed that served as the basis upon which Japan and the Japanese
carried on war after war, inflicted enormous sufferings on people
inside and outside Japan, and, in the end, experienced total, crushing
defeat. We cannot forget the significant role played in that process
by the wrong kind of history education.
Now again, to our dismay, a history textbook is about to appear that
attempts to educate today's students by way of sheer fiction. As the
media have reported, a number of criticisms have been leveled against
the textbook developed by the Society. Here we call attention to just
two specific points.
First, the text presents the foundation myths, those compiled in Japan's
earliest chronicles, the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki, as historical
fact. For example, it describes the eastward expedition of the Jimmu
Emperor as if it were historical fact, by showing a map of "the
route said to be the one the Jimmu Emperor took." In addition,
ignoring all the findings of historical studies on the subject, it
states that "the date of the enthronement of the Jimmu Emperor"
is "National Foundation Day [a current Japanese national holiday],
February 11 on the solar calendar."**
From 1952 to the present, the Japanese Association for History Studies
(Nihon Rekishigaku Kyokai), made up of academic societies and individuals
from across the nation, has consistently opposed the restoration of
this national holiday. This is because Japanese historians and history
educators of all ideological persuasions are united in believing that
myths must not be represented as historical facts.
Second, the Society's textbook not only legitimizes the continuous
wars launched by modern Japan, but it also describes "The Greater
East Asian War" as a war for the liberation of Asia.*** For example,
the textbook states that, even though Japan was an ally of Italy and
Germany, Japan had a state policy to oppose racism, which distinguished
it from both the fascism of Mussolini and the Nazism of Hitler. Moreover,
it states that the Greater East Asia Joint Declaration, adopted at
the Greater East Asia Conference on January 6, 1943,+ embodied the
same spirit as the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples that was adopted by the General Assembly
of the United Nations in 1960!
In fact, however, even just before the defeat in 1945, Imperial Japan
was still committed to a policy of "reserving Korea to Japan,"
i.e., retaining Korea as a Japanese colony: these facts are clear
from documents made public by the Japanese government. (See the section
"Territory to Be Yielded" in the document "Policy on
Negotiations with the USSR," dated May 14, 1945, drawn up by
the Supreme War Leadership Council.)++ To ignore these facts and describe
Imperial Japan as if it had been a leader in the liberation of the
colonies is to distort history, to construct a "modern myth."
After the defeat in 1945, historical research and education made a
new start by reflecting deeply on its major role in leading the nation
into war, and it has produced much fruitful work. The Society's textbook
is an unscholarly text that not only distorts history but also rejects
flatly the academic achievements of postwar history studies and education.
The certification of such a textbook by the Japanese government and
its adoption for use in history education will pave the way for the
revival of the chauvinistic history education of prewar and wartime
Japan. Moreover, not only will it break the international promise
Japan made when it modified the textbook screening criteria to require
"taking into account international understanding and international
cooperation,"+++ but also it will defy international public opinion-particularly
in Asia-that seeks peace and democracy. In short, it represents a
dangerous attempt that will lead Japan down the path of international
As historians and history educators, speaking out of our own consciences,
we express here, to those inside and outside Japan, our deepest apprehension
about the appearance of this textbook.
December 5, 2000
(Signatories as of the above date, with names in Japanese name order)++++
Amakasu Ken, Amino Yoshihiko, Aoki Kojiro, Arai Shin'ichi, Asao Naohiro,
Awaya Kentaro, Eguchi Keiichi, Fujiki Hisashi, Furuyama Tadao, Hamabayashi
Masao, Hashimoto Tetsuya, Hayashi Hideo, Hirokawa Tadahide, Ikai Takaaki,
Inoue Katsuo, Irumada Nobuo, Ishiodori Tanenaka, Ito Yasuko, Iwai
Tadakuma, Kadowaki Teiji, Kano Masanao, Kasahara Tokushi, Kasuya Ken'ichi,
Kibata Yoichi, Kimijima Kazuhiko, Kimura Motoi, Kimura Shigemitsu,
Kobayashi Shoji, Komatsu Hiroshi, Kotani Hiroyuki, Kozawa Hiroshi,
Kudo Keiichi, Maruyama Yasunari, Maruyama Yukihiko, Matsuo Takayoshi,
Matsushima Eichi, Minegishi Sumio, Miyachi Masato, Miyagi Kimiko,
Miyata Setsuko, Murai Shosuke, Nagahara Keiji, Nakatsuka Akira, Nichikawa
Masao, Sasaki Junnosuke, Sato Sojun, Suzuki Ryo, Takazawa Yuichi,
Taminao Tomoaki, Tozawa Mitsunori, Tsutsumi Keijiro, Yasui Sankichi,
Yasumaru Yoshio, Yoshida Akira, Yoshida Nobuyuki, Yoshimi Yoshiaki,
Yuge Toru, Wada Haruki, Wakita Haruko, Watanabe Norifumi.
*Although there are no formal legal restrictions on such activity,
for years the Ministry of Education has asked textbook publishers
not to circulate their draft textbooks.
**National Foundation Day is the restoration of Kigensetsu. Kigensetsu
was a national holiday of the prewar and wartime period, whose date
the Meiji government decided on in connection with the myth of the
enthronement of the Jimmu Emperor. Abolished in 1948, the holiday
was restored as National Foundation Day in 1966.
***Daitoa Senso, "Greater East Asian War," was the term
for the war coined by the Japanese government in December 1941 and
used until the Allied forces insisted on Taiheiyo Senso, "Pacific
+On November 5-6, 1943, in order to invigorate collaboration in the
occupied territories, Japan held a conference in Tokyo and invited
representatives from Thailand, Philippines, Burma, "Manchukoku,"
China (the collaborationist regime based in Nanjing), and India (the
provisional government of Free India). The conference adopted a declaration
stating that the countries of "Greater East Asia" would
cooperate to pursue the war and "liberate" the region from
American/British rule. The declaration had no real effect on the war.
++The Supreme War Leadership Council was established in August 1944.
Its members were the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Army
Minister, the Navy Minister, and the Chiefs of the Army and Navy General
Staffs. The Showa Emperor also attended the meetings when important
matters were discussed. The section "Territory to Be Yielded"
stated that in order to succeed in its negotiations with the U.S.S.R,
Japan would need to begin to prepare to return Southern Sakhalin to
the Soviet Union, renounce fishing rights there, re-open the Straits
of Tsugaru (between Honshu and Hokkaido), and cede Japanese railroad
rights in Northern Manchuria; Japan, however, would retain Korea.
+++In 1982, after international censure of its revision of history
via the textbook screening process, the Japanese Ministry of Education
added a screening criterion requiring that, in writing modern and
contemporary history, textbooks take consideration of international
friendship and cooperation with Japan's neighboring Asian countries.
The criterion is called "The Neighboring-Countries Clause."
++++As of March 2001, there were 889 signatories.